- Naam
- Personalized blended care for depression with comorbid alcohol misuse among young people: a multi-centre RCT
- Afkorting
- Beschrijving
Background: Depressive disorders and problematic drinking often co-occur, also among young adults. These co-occurring conditions are associated with various negative health outcomes compared to both conditions alone. Early intervention by addressing alcohol use and depressive symptoms simultaneously in the same treatment might improve both conditions. However, evidence on the (cost-) effectiveness of digital combined depression and alcohol interventions for young adults is currently insufficient. We therefore developed an add-on digital alcohol moderation adherence-focussed guided intervention to complement treatment as usual (TAU) for depressive disorders. The digital intervention is a web-app, including 6 modules based on motivational interviewing and cognitive behavioural therapy. This study aims to evaluate the (cost-)effectiveness of a digital alcohol moderation intervention + TAU compared to TAU on alcohol and depression outcomes among young adults with co-occurring depressive disorders and problematic alcohol use.
Methods: 163 participants, aged 18-35 years, with problematic alcohol use and a diagnosed depressive disorder will participate in a pragmatic multicentre two-arm randomized controlled trial. Problematic alcohol use is operationalised as scoring ≥5 for women and ≥ 8 for men on the Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test (AUDIT). Participants will be randomized to either the experimental group (digital alcohol intervention + TAU) or control group (TAU only). Participants will be recruited at three Dutch mental health care centres and through social media. Assessments take place at baseline and after 3, 6 and 12 months post-randomization. The primary outcome is treatment response at 6-month follow-up, operationalized as a composite score that combines alcohol use and depression measures and indicates whether treatment has been successful or not. Secondary outcomes are depressive symptoms and alcohol use (i.e. number of weekly standard drinks and AUDIT score). An economic evaluation will be conducted alongside the trial.
Discussion: This study evaluates the (cost-) effectiveness of an add-on digital alcohol moderation intervention for young adults who are in treatment for depressive disorders. If proven effective, the digital intervention could be implemented in mental health care and improve treatment for people with co-occurring depressive disorders and problematic alcohol use.
Trial registration: Pre-registered on October 29, 2019 in The Netherlands Trial Register ( NL8122 ).
See also: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34022840/
- Gebruiksdoel
Medisch Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
- Operationeel
- Nee
- Contactgegevens publiek
Naam contactpersoon:
Dr. Matthijs Blankers
Klaprozenweg 111
1033NN Amsterdam
URL website:
- Beheerder gegevensbron
- Arkin
- Eigenaar gegevensbron
- Arkin
- Actualisatiedatum
- 07-11-2023
- Wettelijke verplichting
- Nee
- Opdrachtgever(s)
- Arkin
- Belangrijkste financier(s)
- ZonMw
- Financier is overheid
- Ja
- Type gegevensverzameling
- Longitudinale studie
- ZonMw dataset
- Gekoppelde categorieën
- Functioneren en kwaliteit van leven
- Geestelijke gezondheidszorg
- Gezondheidsgedrag of leefstijl
- Persoonsgebonden factoren
- Preventie gericht op gedrag en leefstijl
- Gekoppelde trefwoorden
- Comorbiditeit
- Geografische dekking
- Nederland
- Eenheden in de gegevens
163 Patienten
- Methode van gegevensverzameling
- Door een enquête en/of interview, electronisch patientendossier en logdata uit digitale behandeling
- Type persoon/instelling die de gegevensbron invult
Onderzoekers en patienten (zelfrapportage vragenlijsten)
- Specialisme
- Psychiatrie
- Sector
- Eerstelijnszorg
- Tweedelijnszorg
- Eerste meetjaar
- 2020
- Meest recente meetjaar
- 2022
- Operationeel
- Nee
- Frequentie van aanleveren
- Informatie die geregistreerd wordt
Jaar Aantal Steekproefgrootte Responspercentage Dekkingsgraad 2022 1 163 T0=100%, T1=85%, T2=83%
- Beschikbaarheid gegevens
- Ja
- Voorwaarden beschikbaarheid
Er zijn beperkingen aan de mogelijkheid patiëntendata aan derden beschikbaar te stellen. Per aanvraag/onderzoeksproject zal worden bezien of en zo ja welke data hiervoor beschikbaar kunnen worden gesteld.
- Beschikbaarheid gegevens online
- Nee
- Contactgegevens publiek
Naam contactpersoon:
Dr. Matthijs Blankers
Klaprozenweg 111
1033NN Amsterdam
URL website:
- Afnemers/gebruikers
- Zorgaanbieders
- Producten die de gegevensbron gebruiken
- Wetenschappelijke publicaties